XAMN by MSAB helps law enforcement agencies analyze more data effectively and faster for use in a judicial setting. One of the challenges law enforcement investigators face today is the sheer volume of data they have to search, filter and analyze. Whether your mission is to gather and report intelligence, prevent crime or quickly produce solid evidence—the powerful and intuitive digital forensics tools in XAMN will enable the fastest possible route from having raw data to finding and reporting vital insights.
Analyze and parse hundreds of gigabytes of data faster and more effectively.
Focus your investigation on people of interest and build a complete profile using all possible available identifiers.
Load your extraction in seconds, not hours, using a secure, pre-indexed file format.
Take in data from dozens of different digital and analog sources, including social media channels, call data records and vehicle data.
Export a full investigation into standard digital forensic report formats to adhere to standards, and into other file formats for easy sharing.